
Aussie, Aussie, Aussie....Oi Oi Oi!

I'm currently in Sydney, Australia...and I'm loving it! I like the not so city but city kind of environment. It's so different from the places I've lived in and the places I've been :) Guess it gets a place in my Top 5 Countries I'd want to live in.

Anyway, we're just wrapping up our 3 week long vacation...more or less done with packing and yes, I've managed to fit all my stuff into my luggage (though I had to sit on it again)! Done with all the sightseeing...done with picture taking (I used up all the memory in my 256 and 512mb disks)! Shopping? Well, that's something we can never get enough of really.

This trip has been great I must say...lots of ups and downs but overall, I'm glad I had the chance to go through it! Thanks to my parents for "spoiling us" (quoted from the hotel manager of our ship who happens to be my gym buddy as well) and allowing us to step into the Diamond Princess! :)

I'll let you in on a secret...I've always dreamed of being a performer/entertainer. You might ask what kind since there are different types of performers- singers, actors, jugglers, comedians, instrumentalists, etc. Being on this ship just made me relive a childhood dream I've always had...which is to become a dancer. :) Watching the shows every night made me want to change my career path! But I guess it's too late...at this age, I can't even do a split. But yeah...if only I could rewind time, I would have done things differently.

***pauses for a while***

Done laughing? Anyway, tomorrow, we're going for a last minute trip to the zoo! Yup, saying hi and goodbye to the koalas, kangaroos and kiwis before I go back to Manila, open my email and greet my A-level results...Pray for me? Not just for A-level results...but for the courage to face the animals in the zoo.

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