
A Different Perspective

Have you ever seen yourself in someone else? As in maybe a situation, or a trait of that person that totally reminds you of yourself? Well, lately I think I've been seeing a lot of that in my friend's friend. I haven't really met her yet but from the way my friend talks about her...It's just so me. I don't know if it's a common characteristic among ladies or it's just me. But I don't like what I see.

Maybe it's just the situation that made me feel that way. It doesn't mean that she's completely a bad person...but maybe it's because I'm seeing my friend suffer...I'm seeing him hurt...that's why I hate it and in the process I begin to question why I'm kind of like that too.

I concede. It's a known fact that men are from Mars and women are from Venus. But as I try to explain to my friend my side of the story...or why I think that his friend is acting in that manner, I realize that we are complicated. And I guess mostly it's because most women are very emotional. Since emotions can be influenced by so many factors, it becomes so complicated. So I guess that sometimes, we just can't help it. Not that I'm succumbing to nature...guess if we really wanted to change...we can.

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