
After 20 Years of Being Human...

Got this off my friend's site...Thought it was kinda interesting. Some of them made me think about what it was like to be a kid again. Check it out. :)

smoked a cigar(ette) - NOPE
madeout with a member of the same sex - Eww. Of Course Not.
crashed a friend's car - Thanks God, No!
stolen a car - I'm a good girl.
been in love - Sadly, yes.
shoplifted - I pay!
been fired - Haven't really started working.
been in a fist fight - When I was young, yes.
snuck out of my parent's house - Nope!
had feelings for someone who didn't have them back - Nope if crushes don't count!
been arrested - Nope.
made out with a stranger - Yikes. No.
gone on a blind date - No.
lied to a friend - Guess everyone has done this.
had a crush on a teacher - Hmm...no.
been to Europe - Yeah! It's a great place!
skipped school - What if I was "sick"? Like really.
slept with a co-worker - I don't work!
seen someone die - Nope. I can't even bear the thought.
had a crush on one of your LJ friends - No. This is so high school-ish!
been to Canada - Yep! And I love it there!
been to Mexico - Nope!
been on a plane - Yep...more than my toes can count. That's the price for being a foreign student.
thrown up in a bar - Nope! I don't like bars.
purposely set a part of myself on fire - Haha I'm not crazy!
eaten Sushi - One of my favorite foods.
been snowboarding - Nope! Skiing? Yep.
met someone in person from LJ - Nope. Haha I've gone past that EB trend.
been moshing at a concert - No way! I don't like the thought of exchanging sweat droplets. Yuck!
been in an abusive relationship - No!
taken painkillers - Yes, especially now that my head hurts all the time.
love someone or miss someone right now - Of course...I'm far away from a lot of people...sad.
laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by - Yes...
made a snow angel - Nope!
had a tea party - Yes, with my Barbie dolls when I was 7.
flown a kite - Yeah but I think it landed on a puddle so no more kite flying.
built a sand castle - No...I don't like the sun that the sand comes with.
gone puddle jumping - Nope!
played dress up - Yes! As early as 3 years old...I was such a vain kid.
jumped into a pile of leaves - Not a pile...I like the sound of crunchy leaves when you step on them.
gone sledding - Nope!
cheated while playing a game - Yes! Haha...you've gotta play dirty when you're playing with my brothers!
been lonely - Who hasn't?
fallen asleep at work/school - Oh man...I'm guilty of this.
used a fake id - Nope! I'm old enough. Hah!
watched the sunset - Not really...But I'd love to...one day.
felt an earthquake - Yes! And I thought it was my brother making fun of me...
touched a snake - Yup...I even had a picture with it!
slept beneath the stars - Not exactly...
been tickled - A million times.
been robbed - Nope!
been misunderstood - Yeah...
petted a reindeer/goat - Nope, not yet. And I don't intend to.
won a contest - Yes.
run a red light - Nope.
been suspended from school - No.
been in a car accident - Yes.
had braces - Oh yes. Back in the days when metalmouths were cool.
felt like an outcast - Hey yaaaa, hey ya. Well, Yah.
eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night - No, I've never been that depressed.
had deja vu - Yes and it's kinda creepy.
danced in the moonlight - Nooo.
hated the way you look - Yes! A lot of times...
witnessed a crime - Uhh yeah. And it still haunts me...10 years after.
pole danced - No...
questioned your heart - Yup.
been obsessed with post-it notes - No. Haha! What a weird obsession.
squished barefoot through the mud - Nope. Yikes!
been lost - I'd think so. I'm bad with directions!
been to the opposite side of the country - Philippines? Nope. Singapore, well, how far can it be?swam in the ocean - Nope.
felt like dying - Oh yes.
cried yourself to sleep - Hmm...I think the answer's pretty obvious.
played cops and robbers - Yes! Who hasn't?
recently colored with crayons/colored pencils/markers - No. I've got A-levels!
sung karaoke - Yes...more of forced to.
paid for a meal with only coins - Yeah!
done something you told yourself you wouldn't - Yes...regretted.
made prank phone calls - Oh yes. Heh! I'll never forget them.
laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose - Yes, thanks to my brother who made me laugh while I was drinking Coke. Yes, it was painful.
caught a snowflake on your tongue - Nope!
danced in the rain - No.
written a letter to Santa Claus - Yes, not knowing Santa Claus was my sister.
been kissed under a mistletoe - Nope!
watched the sun rise with someone you care about - Hmm...don't think so.
blown bubbles - Yep!
made a bonfire on the beach - No but I'd love to.
crashed a party - Nope.
gone rollerskating - Rollerblading, yes. My mom would freak out cause I'd do it inside the house.
had a wish come true - Yes.
humped a monkey - What?!?
worn pearls - Yep! That's what the name is for.
jumped off a bridge - Are you crazy?
screamed vagina in class - No.
ate dog/cat food - Haha I've never been THAT hungry. No.
told a complete stranger you loved them - No.
kissed a mirror - Hell no.
sang in the shower - All the time.
have a little black dress - Nope!
had a dream that you married someone - Nope!
glued your hand to something - How about glued my finger to my other finger?
got your tongue stuck to a flag pole - I'm still sane.
kissed a fish - I'm not that desperate.
worn the opposite sexes clothes - Yes! Back when I was tomboy-ish. Oh, the awkward stage of one's life.
been a cheerleader - Not exactly...but I've cheerdanced!
sat on a roof top - Yes.
screamed at the top of your lungs - Yup!
done a one-handed cartwheel - No...I can't even do it with both hands!
talked on the phone for more than 6 hours - Yes...
stayed up all night - Yup!
didnt take a shower for a week - Yuck. No way.
pick and ate an apple right off the tree - Nope.
climbed a tree - No.
had a tree house - No, but I wanted one so badly!
are scared to watch scary movies - Uhh yeah. You won't believe how much I scream.
believe in ghosts - Not really...
have more then 30 pairs of shoes - Currently? No.
worn a really ugly outfit to school just to see what others say - Hmm...how ugly can uniforms get?
gone streaking - No!
played ding-dong-ditch - What's that?
played chicken - What's that?
been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on - No.
been told you're hot by a complete stranger - Hmm...
broken a bone - Nope!
been easily amused - Yes..haha!
caught a fish then ate it - Nope, haven't even tried fishing.
made porn - NO.
caught a butterfly - No, I'm scared of them.
laughed so hard you cried - Yes!!! The feeling is great! Happy and nice abs.
cried so hard you laughed - I usually cry when I'm sad.
mooned/flashed someone - No.
had someone moon/flash you - No.
cheated on a test - Do leakages count?
have a Britney Spears CD - Yeah, I think the oldest one! Hit me baby one more time!

Thanks Layds! :)

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