
And So It Goes

So...it's finally over. Early mornings, running to the bus stop, running to the backstage for morning ensemble, trying to get rid of my croaky morning voice, seeing classmates snooze through assembly, dragging our butts to F2.11, counting minutes 'til the end of the period, trying to find a bird poopless table during recesses, rushing through tutorials during breaks...the list goes on. Seemed like such a drab but in reality, I'm starting to miss it.

What is it with goodbyes that make them so hard to do? It's not like we won't see each other anymore...but maybe, it's the change. Think about this, staying exactly where you are for as long as possible, standing perfectly still. It feels better somehow, doesn't it? And even if you're suffering, at least the pain is familiar. Specially in an environment like AC, who would want to go the untraveled road?

But sadly, goodbyes are inevitable. And when the time comes for it, I often wonder, was it worth it? Did I make a difference in the lives of others just as they had in mine? And for that, I'd like to thank a bunch of crazy people, who've made my life in AC, a really fantastic one.

To SB1 2005: Waimay, Pei Xian, Daphne, Siran, Neha, Clara, Rachael, Lance, Leonard, Lionel, Jia Ming, Daniel, Zhiheng, Leow, Ben, Tawseef, Wei Jun, U-Jin, Eugene, Zou Li, Zhen Keng, and Eric. Thanks all for the great times we've had. Love you guys!

To the CHOIR PEOPLE: Honestly, I can't really say much...choir has been such a big part of my life that I can't even begin to describe how much I'm going to miss every single bit of it! Yeah I know we talked about this during our farewell but...some things I just can't get over!

To the TEACHERS: Thanks so much for being soooo patient with our class and tolerating my talkativeness! We owe it all to you!

Well, since school is over...I kind of did something to my uniform...well, not exactly me but..heh. Here it is!

Oops...Don't worry, I've got 5 more somewhere in my closet!

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