

"Forgiveness is almost a selfish act because of its immense benefits to the one who forgives." -Lawana Blackwell-

I was discussing this topic with a friend and it was a huge realization for me. I don't know about you but I've always thought that forgiveness is something that other people would have to earn. I thought that if I forgave someone because of something he did, he should be really happy that I actually forgave him. But actually, that's not the way it works. Forgiveness is not for the other person...it's actually for myself.

Forgiveness is a choice, not a feeling. If we wait for the urge to forgive, it will never come. We have to choose to forgive and the feelings will follow later on. Why do we have to choose to forgive? Cause if we don't, we will be taken over by bitterness...and this will hinder us from seeing the bigger picture.

It doesn't matter how difficult it may seem...it doesn't matter how long it takes. All we've got to do is to choose to forgive no matter how painful it is. After all, we're not doing it for anybody else except ourselves.

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